We are Jonathan and Kathleen Seals - real people - and fellow Northwest Arkansas residents.
You may have seen us around with our son, William, who has become somewhat of a celebrity over at the Amazeum. If you see him in his costumes - Batman, Spiderman, Superman or Captain America - be sure to say hi. He loves it!
Since COVID, we know things have been tough for everyone, and just want to share our support and love for you and this community.
After years of sharing our love of dancing with people, we thought we had hung up our dance shoes for good and moved on... but have since realized everything we would be keeping from NWA.
We hope everyone believes in what they do as much as we do, so we hope you understand how passionate we are about changing lives through dancing.
Even if it was just for the...
- Community & Fellowship
- Fun (indoor) Adult Activities
- Art & Culture
we'd be remiss to keep those from this area...but we've seen thousands of lives completely transformed through the magic of social dancing at Arthur Murray Dance Centers (we're even writing a book about it!) and can't wait for you to be the next heartwarming story!
Can't wait to see you virtually or in our lovely new dance center,
(Click below to start today!)
~ Jonathan & Kathleen Seals
Arthur Murray NWA Franchise Owners